7 Workplace Leadership Flaws
- Being Inflexible.Making mountains out of molehills for simple things as an employee needing time off or wanting to take their lunch earlier. Employees should feel comfortable to approach you at all times, but when you are inflexible, it creates a wall between you and your team. I am not saying being unethical or breaking procedure but putting your team first and using your judgement in certain situations, will make people more inclined to trust you.
- Showing favouritism. We know too well about Workplace politics. Always favouring certain employees for promotions and assignments is a sure way to damage team morale. Employees who are not in your inner circle will always believe that you favour the employees who are—whether you do or not. This perception destroys team spirit and undermines engagement.
- Quick to blame or punish employees. Throwing employees under the bus rather than standing up for your team in distressing moments is a sure way to lose points. If you want to build loyalty, you must demonstrate loyalty. When you are quick to point fingers, it leads to a culture of distrust. Good bosses don’t dwell on mistakes made by others, hold grudges or point fingers. They take responsibility and focus on solving problems.
- 4. Treating Employees like robots. Employees want to work for someone who treats them like a person. They have emotions and personal lives. Showing you sincerely care about employees helps to build relationships and loyalty.I can’t emphasize this point enough. If a staff member is dealing with personal issues as illness or bereavement, show empathy. When employee gives their all to an employer and they respond with inflexibility during their time of need, at that exact moment the relationship is lost.
- Letting accomplishments go unrecognized. No one likes to feel ignored or like their efforts are taken for granted. As Dale Carnegie stated, “People work for money but go the extra milefor recognition, praise andrewards.” Appreciate employees, show them how much you value their efforts. It does not have to be always about monetary rewards. But simple things as “Thank You” and “Well done” goes a long way.
- Micromanaging employees. Your job as a manager is to provide the tools and support an employee needs to effectively perform. Micromanagement sucks the life out of employees. If you hired someone for a job, then trust them to get it done. Constantly monitoring an employee’s every movement can be disheartening. Sometimes knowing when to step back and let your employees do their work is what they need.
- Taking no interest in employees’ development.One of the top reasons employees leave a company is the lack of development opportunities. Employees can interpret an employer’s unwillingness to invest in training as a disregard for their professional development.
Subsequently, if a team member has informed you they want to move to another department support their wishes, don’t be an obstacle to them.
It’s not rocket science. You can have all the perks and benefits but if you treat employees poorly, they will still leave. If a manager has a foundation of truly caring for their people, it becomes easier to lead and retain good employees.Your staff can tell if you are authentic and want the best for them. When employees have a boss who truly cares and appreciates them, they are willing to go the extra mile to ensure successful outcomes.
Some start behaving like they are the owners of the company. This trap includes making all of the decisions solo, ignoring feedback you don’t like and taking the credit.” Letting your ego get ahead of you and thinking you know it all is a sure path to failure. Showing some humility and vulnerability allows you to strengthen relations with your team.
Companies broadcast their trust and fear levels in many ways. One of the loudest messages any company sends its employees comes in the form of the employee handbook.
Every employee handbook is a window into the corporate soul. When you read any company’s handbook you instantly know where the leaders of the company are coming from.
If the handbook is friendly and warm, you know that the company’s leaders are more concerned with running their business and supporting their team than with administering picky rules and policies in the workplace.
When you’re racing forward toward your goals, no one has the time or interest to track minuscule rule violations.
If an employee handbook is 100 pages long, full of warnings and admonitions to employees and focused on preventing staff members from stepping out of line, then we know one thing: this company is run by fearful weenies!
You cannot afford to dim your flame working for people who are too afraid to tap the human power available to them — and use it for the good of their shareholders, customers and employees. Human power is the greatest power on earth, but it only works when it is given freely.
You can’t force people to care about their jobs. You can’t force them to be creative or come up with crazy, world-changing ideas. You can’t force them to collaborate or build community at work. The only thing you can force people to do is comply with rules — and you can only force them to do that until they find a better opportunity!