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Emotional Intelligence

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Jamie Pajoel Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Emotionally intelligent professionals can help build effective relationships for enhancing work productivity. Understanding and raising your Emotional Intelligence is essential to your success and leadership potential.

Our Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success training seminar will concentrate on the skills required to build effective relationships and also to lead teams effectively and manage the diverse personalities normally found the workplace. The ability to respond appropriately to feelings in ourselves and others, practice innovative teamwork and encourage synergy between team members is essential to building a successful organization.

This training seminar will feature:

  1. Developing the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply emotions as a source of leadership, communication and influence
  2. Gaining insights into perceptions and its importance in the workplace
  3. Understanding how EQ influences the way they respond to others and themselves
  4. Discovering how to apply EQ in the workplace for building teamwork and accountable leadership
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