Today’s business world and the life can be a rat race for survival amidst the varying contending interests, which often impedes leadership excellence.
Due to the ever-competitive nature of doing business today, most companies are beginning to realize that to stay on top of their game in the industry, they need players and employees who have what it takes to lead the company to business success and more.
Greater emphasis is now being placed on a workforce built on excellent leadership qualities that guarantees optimum performance and productivity
You have the opportunity to spend 5 hours with Jamie Pajoel-a Canadian based Business Coach and Global leadership development expert.
With years of ground-breaking experience, Jamie Pajoel has become a globally recognized brand name in the field of Leadership and Management Consultant and is making waves internationally with many ideas on Organizational Leadership, simplifying governance, identify underlying problems in Business and addressing ineffective Leadership practices, all of which can give rise to a dysfunctional system. if ignored
This Executive Masterclass on Leadership, Business and Career is designed to provide you with clarity on Career advancement, Strategy for Business growth and the skills required to develop your workplace leadership competencies.
This will incorporate real case studies and best practices needed for developing personal effectiveness, leadership competences and driving organizational growth and success.
Governments officials, Captains of industries, Senior Executives, Managing Directors, HR Professionals, Consultants, Bankers, Doctors, Entrepreneurs, Senior and Middle Level Managers from different organizations across Nigeria.